Characteristics of Social Dialogue in USA, Japan and Europe
Authors: Cristian MARINAŞ and Monica CONDRUZ-B
Published in: Vol:9 No.5 / 2008
      Social partnerships between trade unions, government and employers represent the most important result of social dialogue. In some countries, social dialogue supposes the participation of many social partners or state institutions such as civil society or church, and in this case, negotiations are focused on a wide range of social problems. During the years, social dialogue represented the main way of communication between social partners, especially after World War II.
      The development of social partnership and civil society represents social and historical processes that are tightly linked to the social and economic realities, to mentalities and human values, to culture and maturity of a certain community. Tolerance, social responsibility, recognizing the pluralism and individual rights represent cultural characteristics that sustain a certain evolution of social dialogue.
Pages: 35 - 50