Managing Consulting Organisations
Authors: George PLEŞOIANU and Jozsef POOR       Consultancy, like any kind of problem-solving activity is a multi-step process. Depending on the characteristics of the problem (e.g. operation management, organizational development or IT) various consulting companies and authors will recommend different solutions on how to proceed with the consultancy assignment. When we make a research on the development trends of consulting we have to remember that the paradox of the consultancy industry is that the agents of change have themselves been the slowest to adapt (James, 1999). This branch of industry has several strengths. Among them are the tradition, the large professional experience and the wide range of clientele. But among the weaknesses of this industry we have to mention the constant fluctuation of their staff. This study provides a few insights in managing the organizations of this industry.
Published in: Vol:9 No.3 / 2008
Pages: 106 - 128