Quality Educational Services in University:
Self-Evaluation Using Quality Indicators

Vol:10 No.3 / 2009

Corina CACE
E-mail: corina.cace@dppd.ase.ro
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Phone/fax: 004 021 319 19 01/004 021 311 75 59

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      This paper seeks to help us answer following aspects: The University could be able to offer good educational services? Are these services at higher standards?

      It suggests how we can identify strengths and areas for improvement, report on standards and quality and draw up plans for action. All those involved in the provision of services may have a role to play: the staff as a whole, the "head teacher", senior managers, individual teams, departments or stages, parents and others with a stake in our schools, the education authority.

      Keywords: educational services, university self-evaluation, higher education management, quality indicators

Pages: 543 - 551