Vol. 1 / 2000

1.   Editorial - A New Beginning Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Ovidiu NICOLESCU
2.   Contemporary Universities Respond to the Challenges of the Outside World by Means of Various Institutional Structures Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Mihai KORKA
3.   Strategies for Internationalization within SMEs: The Key Role of the Strategic Leader and the Impact of Organizational Culture Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Lester Lloyd REASON
4.   Guide for International Transfer of Managerial Know-How Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Ovidiu NICOLESCU
5.   Considerations About Organization Culture form British and Romanian Companies Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Marian NĂSTASE
6.   Strategic Orientation of Small to Medium-sized Firms: The Effects of Manager Values on Strategy and Performance Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Antii HAAHTI
7.   Risk management and viability of economic organizations Citeşte rezumatul...
Autori: Camela RAŢIU-SUCIU şi Ioan RAŢIU SUCIU
8.   Family businesses in Europe Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Asko MIETINEN
9.   Organizational structures of the multinational Western companies Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Doru Claudian FRUNZULICĂ
10.   China – Romania Cultural Approach in the Educational Field Citeşte rezumatul...
Autor: Amedeo ISTOCESCU