Management of Post-Accession Reputation
Author: Ion PETRESCU
Published in: Vol:9 No.4 / 2008
      As we analyze the contribution that management brings to the micro-economic level � as a �social function and liberal art� � (P. Drucker ), it entitles us to think that this is the most pertinent solutions to the European issue of reputation, in order to build a management of reputation � functional and viable � to provide a genral dynamic balance of the European system of reputation.
      Once we notice the consequences that derive from the various dimenstions of the accession process to the European Union and the effects upon the management of reputation, we truly conisder that the next steps should be our awareness to them, searching and finding the optimum solutions for a given circumstance, followed by their implementation and results evaluation, as a ground for new action in the reputation area. This process � which is the core of the management of reputation � is essential, on the one hand, to fructify the opportunities regarding the adherence to UE, and on the other hand to minimize or avoid its risks.
Pages: 69 - 87