TReengineered Business Processes
through Information Technology
Authors: Daniel SAVIN, Florin IONIŢĂ
and Gheorghe BĂŞANU
Published in: Vol:9 No.2 / 2008
      The challenges of the modern economy, and, mainly, the constant growth of the level of the competition in all the sectors, led to an increasing need for performant tools to be used by managers. Speaking about management performance, we must admit that the last 20 years are characterised by the direct link between the level of performance in running a business and the usage of IT in management processes. New fields, as, for example, Business Intelligence, or Complex Online Analytical Processing, occurred in an unprecedented development of innovation in the field of computer aided management techniques, and a lot of theories, adopted from Mathematics or Phisics, started to be used in the design process of modern management systems.
      One of the most important of these achievements is, in our opinion, the usage of the Theory of Formal Languages in modeling and redesign of the business processes. Combined with some already famous techniques specific to the software design, as, for example, structured programming, usage of the computer aided business process reengineering gave management the opportunity to be able to check the effectiveness of some measures taken in reorganising the company�s activity before applying the measures, by means of computer simulation.
Pages: 152-164