Technology Parks � a Business Model for Sustainable
Development and Economic Growth

Authors: Liviu ILIEŞ, Horaţiu CIRTITA and Viorel GAVREA

Published in: Vol:9 No.1 / 2008

      In their struggles to improve the positions in the world competitiveness, economies try to find the best business models that can assure them a better place in the world economic rankings, and foremost, a sustainable development and a consolidated general welfare. Science park schemes have embraced the name of the driver models for the new knowledge economy.

      In this article we make a short presentation of renowned hosting countries for the science parks, the latest development of Romanian case of science parks and we conclude by showing the largest Romanian science park scheme, TETAROM.

      TETAROM is a high technology industrial park established by the Cluj County Council in 2000. Based on a PHARE project to encourage the economic growth in the North-West Region of Romania and attract domestic and foreign investments, TETAROM provides business facilities to support and stimulate the better capitalization of regional competencies in the development and production of soft and high technology products within non-polluting industries.

Pages: 79-97