Project Management and Stakeholder Analysis.
An Ethical Approach for Infrastructure Development Projects

Authors: Valentin MUNTEANU, Diana GLIGOR
and Gabriel BÎZOI

Published in: Vol:8 No.4 / 2007

      Transport infrastructure development represents a major priority for Romania in context of a significant need for modernization, and the financing of this type of projects gets a new dimension due to the latest structural funds accessibility. But, the problem of infrastructure�s creating and rehabilitating can�t be carried out starting only from the barely political declaration or public administration wishes. As well as other public or private activity, the projects belonging to this category must to take into consideration a complex range of entities which are involved or affected by the project�s activities. These entities represent the so-called �stakeholders�, which, like in private business case, could be identified and assessed for the �public business�, too.

      This paper aims three objectives:
      (i) to identity those stakeholder�s definitions and taxonomies which
        are appropriate for infrastructure�s development projects;
      (ii) to identify the real stakeholders for such of projects, and
      (iii) to asses the features� intensity for this stakeholders, according
        to Mitchel � Agle � Wood � Driscoll � Starik model.

      In this way, the paper will purpose a model for quantizing of stakeholders� involvement and affection, which could be a basis for the assessing of entire costs and socio - economic benefits system for the infrastructure�s development projects.