The Implications of New Information and
Communication Technologies on Customer Relationship
Management in the Romanian Organizations

Authors: Adriana OLARU and Alexandru CĂPĂŢÂNĂ
Published in: Vol:8 No.1 / 2007

      Customer Relationship Management (CRM) designs the establishment, maintenance, development and optimization of relationships between an organization and its customers and focalizes on the understanding and satisfaction of customers� requests and exigencies, elements which are placed in the center of a performing company business strategy.
      In the context of actual businesses, characterized by hyper-competition on all types of markets and globalization, it becomes a successfully management strategy that ensures the acquisition of new customers and increase their loyalty. The research concerning the level of CRM application in Romanian organizations had the purpose to provide information with a general character on the way in which the companies implemented business strategies focused on their clients.
      Without pretending to be a complete study, both from the view of the objectives followed and the one of the collectivity analyzed, the research proposed itself to explore the CRM strategies and the impact of IT architectures used in this domain.