A Comparative Cultural-Managerial Analysis
of Latin Countries in Europe
Author: Amedeo ISTOCESCU
Published in: Vol.5 / 2004
      Either being grouped in the extrem South-Vest part of Europe ( Spain and Portugal), isolated in the North ( Belgium ), situated in the Central part ( France and Switzerland ), in the South ( Italy ) or far away towards East ( Romania ), the European Latin countries, despite the economic level very distinguished developed � comparing to the average � high level in Switzerland, France, Italy, medium in Belgium and Spain, low in Portugal and lower in Romania, they all have many common cultural elements ( like religion, ethics, customs, traditions ), much more than we can find at a first look inside. These elements generate also managerial features of this area.
It is very important for Romania to be related to the other Latin countries from the continent, in order to be able to identify and valorify to the maximum the cultural and hystorical particularities, that can represent a real competitive advantage for the country.
Our initiative, which is the subject of this study, is based on a real knoledge of cultural, social, economic and political aspects of various countries like Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain. Obviously, in order to keep the common sense and accuracy, we will refer also to the clasic management works, like those coordinated by Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars.