Characteriologic Context of Service Assessment
Dumitru MIRON       Abstract       Powerfully marked concept by the new economic paradigm, the service quality imply and economic parameters and psycho-social dimensions, leading to a multidisciplinary, sectorial and sequentially approach, in an effort to create an object-oriented reference framework to ensure recognition by the consumer and social accreditation.
      Keywords: quality, need, satisfaction, utility, value, simplexy of values Pages: 611 - 621
Phone: +4 021 319.20.23
Monica PETCU
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
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      Service diversity and specificity require the evaluation and the analysis of the quality based on typological coordinates of definition operationalization. The conceptualization of quality is characterized by dynamism, systemic approach, integrating and procedural feature in an evaluative-comparative approach.
      The fundamental importance of quality in the competitiveness and prosperity of an enterprise resulted into the completeness of its approach as overall quality across the entire lifecycle and on the level of every organizational structure, its acknowledgement on top management level attaining at the consumers� as well as own employees� satisfaction.
      As a dichotomy approach, the evaluation of quality is performed in the context of its perception relativization by the consumer�s standards of quality and by services standards of the provider, requiring the implementation of some value-regulatory systems specific to the types of services on sectorial and private level.
      The simplex of values, granting identity of appreciation tends, in time, by its cognitive balance to preserve a common definition basis of quality and to and to complementarize through the motivational balance, the interests of the consumer and the provider, noting that the economic operator�s margin is determined by the perceived performance.