Procesual and Structural Organisational Features
of Small Business
Ovidiu NICOLESCU       Abstract       The study is aimed to highlight the particularities of the procesualorganization and structural organization in the SMEs, starting from the main variables that have influence on them. After presenting these variables, it is necessary to approach the specific parameters of the procesual organization in the SMEs in general and in particular in the industrial companies. On this basis, it is identified and analyzed nine general features of the organization system in SMEs, with some specific aspects at the level of the microenterprises, the small enterprises and, respectively, the medium enterprises. The final part of the study is concentrated on the presentation and analysis of SMEs particularities with respect to the types of organizational structures and their components � post, function, compartment, hierarchical level, span of control and organization relationship. As a whole, the study provides a comprehensive and innovative description of the organization elements specific to the SMEs, significantly differentiated from those defining the large companies which, as a rule, are studied and described in the specialized books and articles.
      Keywords: SMEs; informal organization; organization variables; entrepreneurs; organizational structure Pages: 585 - 597
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Phone+4 021 311.05.75
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