The Capital�s Election Criteria Used in the
Financial Management of a Company�s Financing Decision
Camelia OPREAN
Constantin OPREAN
University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu, Romania
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      The optimization of the capital structures of a company after the cost criteria represents a profitable activity, provided that it is well conceived, organized and carried out. For this consideration, the capital�s structure and their medium cost is an important profit source for the company, so the profit comes from this source, and not from the exploitation activity or other financial sources or traditional exceptive. In conclusion, the cost of the capital has to be previewed; the company has to build an adequate strategy and tactical procedures to accomplish this challenge.
      Keywords: human resource management, specific human resource management methods, knowledge-based economy, human resources reengineering
      Besides the capital�s cost, in this paper we present some other criteria that can interfere in the choice of the financing method, all depending on the financial situation of each company and on its strategy.
Pages: 229 - 242