Evaluation of ICT Investments
toward an Increased Competitiveness
Laurenţiu FRĂŢILĂ
E-mail: laurentiu_f@yahoo.com
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Phone/fax: +4 0212128619
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      This paper focus on the analysis of the impact of investments in IT industry in the general frame of globalization and the drafting of a model for evaluation so that to address the subject of the theoretization of possible measures and efforts in strategic resource consumption for growing of IT competitiveness.
      Keywords: ITC, e-government, investments, digital divide, Internet
      To reap the gains from globalization it is necessary to undergo a process of adjustment as factors of production � such as investment capital � towards the ITC applications. The extent by which e-Government will make a difference and add value is seen as dependent on three factors: strong leadership, management of the �digital divide�, and well managed innovation.
Pages: 375 - 386