Objectives, Competitive Advantages, Managerial Priorities
and Main Activities of Romanian SMEs

Vol:10 No.2 / 2009

E-mail: ciprian.nicolescu@gmail.com
Phone/fax: +4 - 0213191967
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania

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      The economic science, that proved its viability, and the practice of economic evolution of different countries strongly argue the major decisive role held by the SMEs in the economic activity within whichever country. SMEs�s special importance results from the fact that they are the principal producers of economic essence in any country, offers working places for the majority of population and their performances condition economy�s progress and performances in each country and life standard for the population. The purpose of this item is to present few findings of an extensive empirical research of SMEs made in 2008, regarding the objectives, competitive advantages, managerial priorities and key activities of Romanian small and medium sized enterprises, in order to form a general view of this very important sector of economy.

      Keywords: entrepreneurs, SMEs, objectives, business, development, competitive advantages, managerial priorities, innovation, key activities

Pages: 308 - 319