Cultural Diversity and
Human Resources Management in Europe
Cristian Marinaş
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Monica Condruz - Băcescu
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Phone/fax: +4 0213191967
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The increase in the international dimensions of human resources management and the extension of European Union represents important premises regarding the harmonization of human resources practices at the level of the European countries. Despite this, the main characteristic of the European model of management is diversity.
      During the last decade, the human resource function registered profound changes, determined especially by the economic, social, cultural and political context registered at Europe level. Thus, nowadays the human resource function integrates more and more a strategic vision. The human resource managers take part at the process of elaborating the strategies and policies at organizational level.
      The extension of the European Union contributes at the realization of a social, economic, political, legislative climate at the level of the entire continent, but despite these, the cultural differences among countries can be eliminated, that means that from the point of view of human resources practices, the European countries will be characterized by a series of differentiation elements.
      Keywords: cultural diversity, regional differences, Hofstede�s approach, management style
Pages: 176 - 186