Managing Medical Services towards
Maximizing Active Healthy Life for a Competitive Economy

Vol:10 No.1 / 2009

Magdalena Barbu
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Phone: +4 0217604708

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      When speaking about profit, good management means everything, but in the same time, without healthy people it could also turn into nothing. And more than this, health is in fact the driving asset and the most valuable one in every domain, in any company, at all times.

      In order to achieve the goal, management of health services should be a healthy management, a one which operates using the most appropriate techniques and methods in order to obtain best results. The problems themselves should be transformed in order to make a virtuous complex out of a vicious circle. This is very important since otherwise the vicious circle affects the present health status and will affect the future one also. More than this, turning problem circle into a virtuous complex resides in management�s power and would help valuating a good health status and all information related for the interest of the entire economy and society according to knowledge based economy trend in order to be competitive on a very tough market and especially into the present worldwide crisis situation.

      Keywords: quality, medical services, competitive economy, management, active life

Pages: 121 - 137